Published on 6 July 2023 at 12:35

Belief, Geometry, Knowledge, Logic, Mathematics, Reason & Religion and Sex Blake Mitchell Salemink 

1: Belief. Belief is the rational weighing of probabilities and faith in a certain subject of matter. 

2: Geometry. Geometry is the scientific map of matter and space. Anything can be measured for volume of matter or space. Geometry mapsthebecoming, the unbecoming and the actual. Telescopes can map the distance of stars by light. Sonar can map the distance of objects by sound. Redshift canmeasure the movement ofplanetsandstarsin space and our galaxy. 

3: Knowledge. Knowledge is the epistemological record and map of rational and/or empirical understanding. Knowledge requires the application of reason and the consciousness of the brain. Epistemological studies show the boundaries and capacities of knowledge. Knowledge is intelligence. Intelligence requires rewards. Rewards beget emotions and emotions leads to leadership through sophistication of energy. The three types of knowledge are: acquaintance, competence and recognition. 

4: Logic. Logic is the map of truth, reason and elimination of the illogical, irrational and unnecessary. Logic requires excellent memory and cognitive faculties. Logic requires goodmemory, mental acuityandapt reasoning skills. Logicisthesocial backgroundof all belief and knowledge, of things that may be true, false or neutral. Logic includes counterexamples, tautologies and contradictions. 

5: Mathematics. Mathematics is the social map of scientific analysis of fixed or unfixed sizes of numbers and numerals and logical symbols. Mathmatics include TNT (Typographical Number Theory) by Douglas R. Hofstadter who actualizes the movement of numbers in a logical formation of musical theory and formal logic. 

6: Reason & Religion. Reason and Religion are amapfor ethical choice ofhumanbeings. They are thecompoundform ofphilosophicalethicsandmetaphysical morals. Kantssees the Categorical Imperative as the source of all reasoning, and applies it like a religion or duty. Relgion is the sacramental view that all mrals belong to God. Pure reason is the pure language of philosophy. ​[​1​] Pure relgion is the absolutetheoryof obligationtowards a particular relgion. 

7: Sex. Sex is the omega and the key to life. All things derive from an origin except for God. Sex is pleasureful to ensure the continuityof our species. Withoutsex we couldnot continue or exist and would not have evolved from singler celled organisms. 

8: and. and is the joint between otherness and infinity. And is the infinity of the continuity. 8 is a proper number for and as the joining of one andone which equalstwo, 

and combined with everything in the Universe, creates the infinite, infinity. Andcanjoin together any one thing to another, as the word and, the plus sign (+) and the symbol ​∞​. 

Works Cited 

[​1​] Immenuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: Volume I. 

Notions from Jordon Roy Gowans “Intelligence” - ​ 

Intelligence, Mathematics, Science and Religion 

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