Fish Trestlestle
Step 1
: Get wood. Plywood preferred but cedar is okay too. Trace the fish from the displaycase (4, 5 or more fish depending on the size of your trestle)
Step 2
: Take the traced wood and cut relief cuts in to all around all the fish outlines. Go aroundtheoutlines cutting 2 mm. beside the lines making sure not to bend the jigsaw. Use the small jigsaw for thin pieces, use the big jigsaw for thick pieces.
Step 3
: Sand the edges on the circular sander or the belt sander for the fins and the outside ofthe fins.
Step 4
: Prime the wood with white paint. Paint one side before painting the other.
Step 5
: Let dry
Step 6
: Spray Paint the pieces one side at a time. Spray once and then let dry on the side andflip and spray the other. After dry, sand down any unwanted or unsmooth paint as well asedges..
Step 7
: Carve a piece of wood to hold the pieces of fish. A good design is a rainbow with abump on the top of the rainbow for the hole to hold it up on.
Step 8
: Repeat 4-6 with the trestle holder.
Step 9
: Drill holes into the trestle holder and the fish. Make sure the holes are centred in a waythat they won’t tilt when hung. Hold the wood with a thumb and pointer finger and find the sweetspot.
Step 10
: Do the same for the trestle holder making sure the piece that hangs the trestleapparatus to the ceiling is centred in a way that the wood won’t tilt. Drill holes in the trestle tohang the fish under.
Step 11
: Put the twine [string] (any colour) through the fish and the trestle holder so that it looksappealing at varying lengths and make sure the apparatus hangs evenly and the trestle holderis not lopslided.Done!Hang it up on the ceiling by a window or above a baby’s crib
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